Associates meetings
a time needed for
- mutual discovery,
- getting to know the spirit (charism) of the Congregation
participating in the meetings of a group of Asociates
- where life and faith are shared,
- where a common spirit is created,
- where the charism is deepened.
in choosing to commit oneself in the family of the Sisters of Christ as an Associate, for a limited and renewable period of time
"My participation in this group of Associates was first of all a question of friendship which helped me to know the Sisters of Christ : Jacqueline, Jeanine, Sister Geneviève, where I experienced a true, simple, sisterly
and generous friendship.
For a long time I was the lost sheep, lost through trials, bereavement...I allowed someone to approach me. The Lord came to search for me in the depth of the tunnel, he was a little flicker which lights up.
This gathering with the Sisters of Christ is quality time and allows us to meet other people from many places, to live fraternity, to visit the Word and to continue our journey for greater fraternity"
Colette, Laywoman
"Ihave come to Ars for the theme of Mercy more that for the Curé of Ars, even if I like his simplicity. For me it’s like Moses and Isaac, when I am worried about speaking in public, I let the Holy Spirit take over and put myself into the hands of God.
I also love the openness and the fighting spirit of the Curé of Ars and his care to not see differences, to hear each one, little and great sinners. I am also touched by the tension that there is between the “poor Church for the poor” and his struggle to smarten up his church because “Nothing is too beautiful for the Lord.”
This gathering is the occasion to question our concrete actions and allows us to stimulate our group.”
Pierre, Deacon
"I discovered people who were attentive, very committed and discreet. Each one is a source of unity by her commitment as a Christian, living the project of the Sisters of Christ; this helps them to live their life as a missionary to serve Jesus Christ and make him known.
I am very happy this weekend. God calls...if we answer, all is put at our disposition... God became flesh, we can share fraternally."
Sister Denise
At the invitation of an associate, I arrived at my first meeting which was like an embrace from God, I felt as if I had always been there. It was a very enriching experience, full of surprises and a great deepening of the word of God. Then I started to participate actively in the monthly meetings, where we share our lives and where a common spirit is formed. In this way the charism is deepened. Learning to live unity in all our lives, with nature, with my brothers and sisters, led me to be more united with Christ. After so many years, I can say that my strength is in God who is my Lord and the Centre of my life.
Ana Rojas F. Laywoman
Since we joined the group of Associates of the Sisters of Christ, in the year 2000, the Charism of Unity has helped us to live more fully our life as a couple, as family and as members of the society. We feel empowered to live more fully the spirit of unity in our place of work - we are teachers in the Providence College in Ambatolampy - and in the Church where we are members of the pastoral council. In the area in which we live, the neighbours do not hesitate to call for our advice when there are disputes of quarrels. Thanks to the Charism, we learn to leave room for others, to be more available and to testify to others about what gives meaning to our lives, in the discussions and the various exchanges with collaborators.
Since the National Gathering of Associates of the Sisters of Christ, in 2014 at Antsirabe, all associate members have an evaluation (Examen) of the day in their family.
Lay Associates