in Christ’s name for the mission
Gathered together
We live in community among sisters who do not choose each other…
- It is a gift of God to be welcomed
- It is a task to be undertaken by all to live difference as a way of unity
- It is a place where the mission is shared:
- where we examine our fidelity to the Gospel
- where each one opens her mind and heart to the work being done by others and to new ventures jointly undertaken.
Thus apostolic community wishes to be a sign of "the new humanity which is already coming into being in our world." (Rule of life 47)
And sent out
Being with our brothers and sisters and working with them in all that promotes the true meaning of life and the value of the human person, in education, in pastoral ministry, in health care, in social work and in the business world.
Opening ourselves to other cultures and other values:
- in meeting the stranger
- in interactive welcome
- in commitment to solidarity with others.
to promote communion
In an international Body
« We carry out our mission as members of an international body, united in charity and obedience. » (C 10)