The Sisters of Christ
“bringing everything together under Christ as head”
with age-old roots!
A Founding Event
Urged on by the Spirit, encouraged by the Church, our seven Congregations with roots in three centuries of history set out in 1967 towards each other reaching FEDERATION in 1969 and UNION in 1976.
- Sisters of the Cross of Saint Quentin,
- Sisters of the Cross of Paris,
- Sisters of the Cross of Le Puy,
- Sisters of the Cross of Marchienne,
- Sisters of the Nativity of Our Lord,
- Sisters of Providence of Corenc
- and Servants of Christ the King of Ablon,
Together we have experienced the presence and action of the Spirit as a power impossible to foresee and at times quite disconcerting, who alone is able to gather together congregations of different origins, while respecting their diversity and welcoming the spiritual heritage of each one.
a long spiritual adventure…
Sisters of Christ
a gift…
a name …
a call:
to bear witness to Jesus Christ, Source of Unity
Our Union is part of a much greater story: the story of the People of God and of the Church.
Our own small efforts to come together enter into God’s plan of
“bringing everything together under Christ as head” (Eph 1:10)