"'YES’, TO THE LORD" — English

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The sisters Shiron, Yolande and Jacqueline committed themselves by saying "Yes" to the Lord.

The sisters Shiron, Yolande and Jacqueline committed themselves by saying "Yes", like the Virgin Mary to the Lord, in our congregation of the Sisters of Christ.

It is with joy that on June 14, 2024, three of our sisters, namely: Shiron, Yolande and Jacqueline, committed themselves by saying "Yes" like the Virgin Mary to the Lord to "Be witnesses of Jesus Christ principle and craftsman of unity" in our congregation of the Sisters of Christ.

"...we rejoiced with the families of the chosen ones of the day: Shiron, Yolande AND Jacqueline"

Nourished by the Word of God centered on the mission of a true disciple of Christ.



Very moved, amazed by the simplicity of the Sisters and the beauty of the Religious Life.

We thank the Lord for their "Yes". May the Virgin Mary, the model par excellence, always be with them.


We wish each of the newly professed women good luck in their mission and that they always remain centered on Christ. 


We say with the psalmist :           

« I thank you, O my God, for so many wonders! »