the value of true sharing
More than 10 years ago, I left my country and the Malagasy Province. I was called by the Mission to another land: Cameroon.
Mission is a source of encounters, discoveries and joy, but it is also a source of particular suffering when one finds oneself far from a loved one at the moment he/she joins the Lord.
This was my experience when, on 17 March 2022, I received the news of the death of my older sister in Madagascar. She was the one with whom I shared my joys and sorrows, during my last family stay from December 2021 to January 2022. The blow was hard but the Lord changed my grief into joy.
I discovered the value of true sharing with the Sisters of my Community, of the Cameroon Delegation and with all the Sisters of Madagascar: some went to my village to give comfort to my family and to bury my sister. I felt the presence of the Sisters from Chile who phoned me and the support of the parishioners...
This painful event allowed me to experience a strong fraternal love, which unites and helps to overcome daily difficulties, to move forward together... Yes, may the soul of my big sister rest in peace and may she pray for us all!
Sr Angeline