Jubilees in Haute-Loire — English

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Jubilees in Haute-Loire

Renewal of their commitments

Sisters Sylvia. Margueritte and Christine celebrated their silver jubilee, already 25 years old!

Of Haute Loire

In Retournac on Sunday, September 22nd, Sisters Margueritte, Sylvia and Christine celebrated their silver jubilee, already 25 years old!. In the parish church, a banner "The Lord needs it" reiterated the meaning of the call to religious life. 


Each of the jubilarians introduced themselves and together they renewed their vows. It was a beautiful ceremony "worthy of a perpetual profession" whose witness can mark Christians.

Outside, around the glass of friendship, tongues were loosened in exchanges between sisters and parishioners. 


Then the meal was served at the house of the elder sisters: 48 people including the sisters of other neighboring communities or... Distant! , the Associates of the Sisters of Christ of Lyon, associate friends, etc....Fraternal Agapes!! In short, a beautiful and exciting party!